My life has been very hectic this stormy April...

many things have happened and had no time to reflect on them!
My two brother's birthdays passes very fast and my sister's ball for her Diploma arrived and it was like being pulled back to 9 years ago... when was mine!
Same professors, same place, same emotions... ahead only the unknown future!
I was moved deeply, seeing my sister and her classmates at that turning point in their lifes!
So many things have changed from that day on.... I've grown from that girl of nine years ago and achieved many successes.... not that kind you could evaluate on a piece of paper or through a career, rather that kind one will be proud of for the eternity.... do this sound like an END?
There is no end to the betterment and spiritual growth of a soul... and if I got something 'till now is that LIFE IS CHANGE, an everlasting movement in which a stop is not allowed, so either we are moving or we are sliding back... it happens!
I looked at my Grandpa... (he just turned 90.... 90 this same stormy April), that's a remarkable age to be achieved... still there are different ways of achieving it... and I'm not talking about a physical situation (so get rid of the image of me without teeth, bound and with a stick in my left hand...)
I mean that with this climbing on the mountain of AGE, come fears and we want to take less risks, we get to certain points were the view is beautiful and we wish not to go ahead, we want things to stay the same and see challanges as nightmares instead of opportunities to fulfill our dreams!
This is actually when we dismount the horse of change with the idea of getting just some rest and indeed sink in the quicksand!! woops... too late!
My idea is that if we keep the bridle of change and hold at full gallop up on the mountain of AGE, we will be excercided and flexible!
FLEXIBILITY is a feature of an open mind... which is what we need to enjoy the climbing!
If I look back I see an other me... someone I'm pleased to know each day more!
There is a list in my mind... of people to get to know... of things to be achieved and experienced, to be taste and lived!
That's why I celebrated my b-day with a kind of initiation... I went home for the week-end with the idea I'll have my first swim of the year... brought my bathing suit with me, though the weather forecast says it would be a rainy week-end... I was determined to go to swim, though we travelled with a storm all the way home and the day after the Bura was blowing strong... the 27th still was, but SUN was shining... with my family(-1) we went to the sea for a lovely pic-nic and though there were people (all wearing jackets and long jeans) walking up and down the shore no one was in...
I stepped inside and the water was freaking cold... pure melted-ice! My determination was slipping away as my parents and everyone else insisted on chaning my mind... so i sat down and gazed the trees on the shore swaying with the waves... there! I took off my flip-flop again and ran toward the sea!!
The rest is history.... 4 hours later I was travelling toward Italy with a salty taste on my skin and a happy smile on my face!!
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