
Fast - Day 4...

"O Son of Utterance!

Turn thy face unto Mine and renounce all save Me; for My sovereignty endureth and My dominion perisheth not. If thou seekest another than Me, yea, if thou searchest the universe forevermore, thy quest will be in vain." Baha'u'llah

The holy period of the Fast has started! As it was approaching my soul was sensing the infinite possibilities of bounties that derive from each hour of these 19 days in which my habits are changed and I find myself thrown off the ususal "balance" we all create in daily life. With new time on my palm and 100 things I wish to do, have to give a priority!

Now that is here I realized I am still not living it a it fullest... I'm not following the list of bad habits to be replaced by good ones, I'm not yet studying the book chosen for this period! But the spiritual energy I usually feel coming from a higher source is already surrounding me. Therefore, today will be devoted to fill these gaps, with no excess, but moderation! It's never too late to start from where we've planned to!

This period is the best one for me in the whole year, litteraly new energies flow in me and I feel re-borning day by day!

The key virtue is DETACHMENT... "in whatsoever heart it doth shine it quencheth the fire of covetousness and self." to practice it is the challenge because all in me, my body, my thoughts demand in me different input...

When I'm in bed and the alarm clock rings at 5.30 (I want to do all things quietly, no rush for breakfast and starting prayers just as the sky becomes clearer) I have to pull myself out of bed. I miss doing the breakfast with my family in the happy chattering and try to fill the silence with some music or the news... but this silence actually gives me time to reflect on the day ahead! The struggle starts immediately after I've finished with prayers and meditation, because a part of me says "it's early.. go back to the warmth of the bed!!" especially when have no lesson, like yesterday and today! But here will come in my help the book and with some sun a walk to the park will be next! Apart from these practical motivations, these time recalls me to deeper meditation on the big and small questions of life....

And that's only the beginning of this period! Wish everyone a great Fasting!