
Go fly your kite!!

Today was really a fine day.. one of those in which the sun is shining and everything looks good... nothing could perturbate your smile and difficulties find their way out smoothly, surprises pop up into your life and you feel like a child going out to fly his kite...

something I did indeed!!! Inaki & me organized a workshop on how to build a kite of your own... quite a feat, if you think that none of us had ever done it... we got infos on internet and went yesterday buying the material... we were sooooo lucky to meet a fine gentelman who spent his time giving us advices and teaching us the basis... it was really fun and the man was really sweet with us!! So today we encouraged some reluctant kids to join us in this crazy idea... our first attempt (made of wooden sticks of bamboo, a lot of glue, cord and blue fabric) was miserable, but we got an angel telling us what was missing (a tail with ribbons to keep the balance).. with some wind and luck we finally had our first home made kite flying.... an emotion deep satisfactory and pure happyness... I'll never forget this day!

Thank you Inaki for not giving up and keeping trying!!!

For the instructions about how to build a kite go on: http://www.skratch-pad.com/kites/make.html

For some advice or if you are going to fly your kite... call me!!

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