

"Armed with the power of Thy Name nothing can ever hurt me,

and with Thou love in my heart all the world's afflictions

can in no wise allarm me.." - Baha'u'llah

This little prayer has always given me all the confidence and courage I've ever needed in my whole life!

Just like yesterday night... for the first time I was experiencing pure incontrollable fear... the kind you would never like to feel as it has no ground, no reason!

I've always done things like travelling alone in the middle of the night, walking around the city again in the middle of the night by myself, things my mother wouldn't be content with...

I was never afraid, I was always on the alert, heads up for any kind of danger... but never scared even if few situations would have required it!

I'm usually very brave when I'm on my own or try to be to show I'm not afraid, especially if there is people around me that is clearly much more scared... I try to comfort... or I get very scared and sensitive if people tries to scare me with stories and this makes me behave as a child fearing for every single sound or shade!!!

But yesterday was different... I was in my room... in the house... one should feel completely safe... I wasen't and my head completely flipped out! I was trying to concentrate on studying or anything else, but my mind kept pulling my attention on the neighbours screeming and fighting (as they do every single evening since I'm here) and on the people on the street walking by my window.... and all the kind of negative thoughts you could have when you realize you are really alone and no one you know is close enough for help! Ok, I should mention the few talks I had with a man telling me how dangerous this city is, or a lady telling me she was assault and the latest I had on experiencing people maddness two days ago, while walking all merrily back home at eve and three boys shouting at me names just because I was walking a bit fast (my usual walk when I'm on hurry or just cold)!

With such ideas and recalling all the warnings my Grandfather gaves me I was dealing with a lot of negative thoughts... things which, if I think about them now, I feel very silly for having imagine them! I think it even sound strange and silly the way I've explained it, can't help it better though!

It took me less then a second to get rid of all those feelings once I started to pray! And immediately all sort of happy-positive-nice thoughts came to me, like all the people that loves me, all the good things that there are in people, and especially one strong statement which fianlly gave me peace:

Do not fear any man, any human being,
but trust and fear only God, The All Mighty.

Can't remember when and who told me this.... but this is TRUTH! And TRUTH brings no harm.

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