I love writing and poetry... I write since I was 14 years old. What I too pompously call poems... are just thoughts and me capturing intense moments trying to express them in words.
Of course I usually write in my native language... Italian... but have some attempt in English too... and the latest were such!

I've planted a tree
which has grown overnight
the morning light teases it
all around, kissing its leaves
hiding for whiles
all the clouds eagerly
admire it floating by
My tree dances on a melody
of its own
played by the northernwind
the same you've played
in a secret chamber
sweet as the one
your hands weeped on a bedrock friendship
softer than the one
you used to sing
under the window
clinging to the keys
with your voice and your eyes.

I think
You've created
a sky
fitted for me to fly
And now
all the things
have gone
there's You
the only One I love
I think
everytime I go far
there's no reason I'm done
'cause You
You are there with Your Love
I feel It growing stronger than evermore
and I'm Yours.
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