Well, I changed it as people kept asking if it was really me writing....

But let's go back and explain why I chose "The Bee Charmer" at first as name for the blog.... is the name given to me from a dear friend of mine... he is the only one calling me this way after the character in the movie "Fried Green Tomatoes (at the whistle stop cafe)", Idgie Threadgoode, played by M.S. Masterson, with Kathy Bathes, ML Parker and Jessica Tandy.... I love that movie, we saw it at least 5 times together (and 5 each on our own).... the movie is one of my favourite as it talks about friendship, women gaining their indipendence, abolishing of prejudices and being open minded, discover oneself's talents and potentialities!

I think what I love the most in the movie is Idgie's freedom from societies' bigoted expectations of how a girl should behave and live her life... I'm not feminist, but I truly believe that Men and Women have been created equal in front of God and therefore they have to be considered in their equal rights and recognized in front of society!
That doesn't mean a girl has to become a man and a boy be like a woman.... each one has been granted certain qualities and should strive to attain perfections and other skills and talents they posses as latent.
Just to be clearer, I'd share this quotation of 'Abdu'l-Bahà in "Promulgation of Universal Peace" p.135
"It has been objected by some that woman is not equally capable with man and that she is deficient by creation. THIS IS PURE IMAGINATION. The difference in capability between man and woman is due entirely to opportunity and education."
'Abdu'l-Bahà also states:
"Know thou that women are accounted the same as men, and God hath created all humankind in His own image, and after His own likeness. That is, men and women alike are revealers of His names and attributes, and from the spiritual viewpoint there is no difference between them."
All my life I've tried to gain indipendence and be a strong woman, overcoming fears and fragilities, to show myself I can make it on my own... sometimes I wished I wasen't that strong and that good in hiding my frailty, 'cause at the end you feel very lonely and all we want is to have someone close that shares the difficulties and put an arm on our shoulders making us feeling safe and more confident... though everyone can make it on his/her own... somehow the fun and joy that could come by facing hard times having a friend at hand is lost!
I think I would leave you here... with the taste of sweet thoughts, like those of having your friends around sharing unforgettable moments....
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