
The (V)IP F&F 6 ----> the very IP Famous & Fabulous Six...

Aka: Angelika, Diana, Guillaume, Inaki, Ricarda & me...

Out of the wondrous bunch of people I've met this summer, I would like to talk about some very dear and special five guys.... my mates, my supporters, my closest team members (I love all the team members to be sincere, still they have gained a very special place in my heart!!)
I'll introduce them in alfabetical order as have won all together the first place!!

I'll start from The CM---> center manager for IP company, but known to all of us as Center Mafia... as the mafia-card seems to finish always in her hands!!
She's absolutely great! During those months she has been a motivator and example to me... always stainless, perfectly organized and smiling (NO NAVIGANDO-SMILE, please!!)
I felt I would be able to do anything when around her. A real Angel as her name says, taking care of me as an older sister (though she is younger) teaching me the way of the superwoman!!

Diana my sweetheart, my confident, my consellour, my hug-dispenser, the one with whom I shared naps, mid-night prayers under the tree and deep moments talking about religion while sipping tea... my ice-cream/chocholate girl or to be full-bore: my yammy-ampiky-ampky my sweety pie the apple of my eyes! My gorgeous girl!!! My happy maker!
My hand-in-hand walker, shopping mate and personal-strange picture taker.
Her smile brights me up and I know that she’ll be there for me always, a true precious friend and spiritual sister... she taught me what a listener is and to be patient with myself.

Prince William... ehm Guillaume... our WISH-IS-TO-FLY-OVER-THE-RAINBOW-SO-HIGH... he is my frenchy room-neighbour, a great cooker, my laundry mate in the middle of the night, the greatest singer ever (not only for karaoke nights, but the whole day long!!), my computer-helper, the trustworthy friend who made me laugh for consecutevely hours just with a look of his own, the kiss on your nape boy, the movie-night in his room, the one that introduced me to the world of Ted, Barney and Lily and has made many moments of this summer LEGEN... WAIT FOR IT... DARY!!
By the way.... Have you met Ted???

Inaki... there are no words to describe Inaki, he is my creative-crazy-eccentric mate, he is: “MAAAN!”, the one with whom I’ve spent the craziest moments.... walking & singing to Sainsbury while in Chichester, making a houmus pic-nic in front of Salsbury’s Cathedral, relaxing in our secret chapel, where he would play piano and I would feel regenerated.... my serenade-boy, coming to me with his guitar to make me listen to his creations, the one fulfilling my whish to watch shooting stars, bringing me to a construction site because it suits as an astronomical observatory. He is my dancing and artistic workshops partner, my kite’s builder... the soul who reads me as an open book (and my book dispenser indeed!) and that with no words explains my moods and thoughts... even those floating in the air! The sharing deep thoughts with no-words, my best "freez" actor player! My child-boy with gorgeous-beautiful-unforgettable eyes!

Ricky, the tea&banana party-girl in my room, my adventurous-discover-of-the-world on her own... she got to know all the city with her walks... she’s the ready for having fun mate... the dispenser of good advice at the right time, the example of not giving up untill you've overcome your shortcomings! The good friend for a giggle & a dance! The very colorful soul girl!

I recieved from them more than what I shared with them... they have been my supporters, have strenghten me and made me better....I wouldn’t have made it without them!! They have been my summer joy and I shall bring them with me for eternity... for they have touched my soul!!
Have just 2 words for them: THANK YOU!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your honesty and your wonderful, deep thoughts, you share with others! Just discovered your blog... :)
xxx Ricki!

Anonymous said...

awww... thanks tahereh... i just read it now! finally after one week.
i hope you guys are holding up... just one week to go! and then i hope we can meet in london.
love you! °diana s.