
Where do we stand?

"The crisis consist precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new
cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms
appear." Antonio Gramsci - Prison Notebooks

I went to watch a movie that the spanish professor was screening at Uni, there ought to be English subtitles... well, I end up watching it all in Spanish and Catalan, understanding the general idea, though it was interesting from the linguistic view point as discovered the many similarities with Italian (I never studied Spanish, therefore have no clue about this language).

The movie: Salvador Puig Antich, is about one of the last execution that Francisco Franco ordered, in a Spain not yet in transition towards the democracy.

I must admitt that I'm totally ignorant about Spanish history of the 70' and have no idea of what meant living under Franco tiranny... what I well understand is that like every dictatorship, many things weren't allowed (like speaking Catalan); freedom was a word many were longing to actualize, but all were afraid to even utter it.

Of course there were people enjoying such a life as had an axe to grind. Salvador is depicted as this handsome, well-educated, brilliant student. Is loved by his parents and his 4 sisters, is a sweetheart in the eyes of those that come to know him, even to his prison warder.

But there is a reason if such a person is in prison... with his university's mates he has set up an anarchist movement called MIL (Movimiento Ibérico de Liberación), which they fund through an escalation of robberies... he is a bank-robber!

The boy is also charged for the death of a young policeman and convicted to death penalty through a painful system... soon becomes the symbol of the need of change.

Things turns very emotional and Salvador is regarded as a hero, a martyr. I wasn't crying (though horrified for the cruel death)... no matter what Machiavelli says... "Il fine giustifica i mezzi" ----> "The end justifies the means"... (sorry for the pour translation... is the only one I found), but I don't agree! How could we think that to eliminate injustice we should use the same tools? Tiranny, lies, war... can't be overcome by their equals... sure, what was happening moved the coscience of his countrymen, but I suspect that they started to wonder and react when the worst occured.

Salvador's life is put to an end in a horrible way, the death was given by a medieval tool, which doesn't kill immediately and the poor boy is left in agony as no one has the heart (or doesn't have??) to finish him.

The debate that followed the movie was pointing out the necessity we have to rationalize and regain the memory of events which have been obscured while happening... is it really like this? No one, in power to do something, knew what was happening in Franco's Spain?

For sure today's media are in power to let know and can reach every level of society, informing throughout the world what happens in the lowliest country... still reactions are slowly, in certain cases even non-existent.

I wonder how many death, how many people suffering injustice occour today before we start reacting.... I bet today Hitler would have been stop.... or not???

Or are we that numb that we let things happen and then grieve over them?? Decreeing Memory Days and let our children judge what we did on their history book!! Having them to watch touching movies to know the truth... what really happened and why no one did nothing to change things, to prevent things!!

Will we say that a mad man accidently came in power and that the horde of blind, order-followers couldn't help... will we excuse ourself somehow??

Is this what we will see in the future for the Bahai religious minority in Ahamdinejad's Iran??

How many signs of oppression and injustice should we count before realizing what is happening under our own very eyes?? Yesterday as Today...

The Bahais in Iran have decided to act differently from Salvador, their means aren't the oppressor's means... no! Their weapon is love! Love towards God, Love and Service for their fellow countrymen and women!!


Anonymous said...

hey tahereh. touching statement. i like being brought to think again about things like justice and its justification, ... i would say: the aim justifies the instruments. but it's not totally true. i have to be "in line" or at least to act without hurting human people. i can't ignore death just because my aim is so worthful. aims are good, but you have to justify your actions in front of everyone, not only on front of the "winners".
thanks for writing to the point, thareh, keep on!

TeJ said...

Thank you for reading and your kind sharing of ideas Anonymous!!
I agree with what you are saying, and that we have to be "in line", actually "in front line" for the generations (i'm including youth and older) alive today are the bilder of the future world... it's on our shoulder, in our powers and in our duty to change things being and acting with justice in our everyday life!