
Bahai Conference in London 3-4 January 2009

A wave of Love has been ripple out of the Center of the Covenant in the heart of the Middle East, the port city of Haifa, Israel. Summoning the believers from every corner of the globe, to meet in 41 Conferences that took place all around it, for the only purpose of celebrate the achievements the Baha'ì world community has produced in its services to humanity.

"At the top of Mount Carmel a little light goes on when 9 souls meet and then wonders happen...." -That's how my sister on the telephone tried to convey to me her feelings, while serving in the Most Holy Place on earth for the Baha'is of all the World. I thought of her and all the marvelous youth I know, which are serving there and have the bounty to see, meet and talk to these 9 souls, who dedicate their lives to the Administration of His Cause.

The 3 days I've spent with my brother Badi, and the 2friends who were hosting us, Nushin & Reema, were absolutely celestial. While going each morning to the conference, held at the Business Centre in Inslington, London, we witnessed the participation of 3100 people from the British Isles, Ireland, Island, Greenland, Sweden, Norway, Finland gathering from every side of the city. Childre,Youth, Adults and Old. A colorful garden, an impressive river when in the morning, at lunch break and evening, people would ripple in and out of the venue.

There is more I'd like to convey... but emotions are too many.
I just wish you all to be reached one day by these waves of Love!

For more info click on this: 41 CONFERENCES

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