If anything like a spiritual experience can be defined as tangible is that of a pilgrimage, I believe, after my very first experience.
The colors that come to mind when with closed eyes I try to bring myself back in the Holy Land, the sweet delicate scent of frangipanes and the olive-green, coarse-grained spiced grass that brings me closer to That Hallowed Spot… while the only sound is roaring ocean of pebbles under my feet, the only utterance in birds’ voices and wind….
The more time flows, the more I refuse to share and desire to preserve the timeless Moment which is part of me. Well, how could I dare describe uttering in words what leaves speechless and is breathtaking? How can I picture what my eyes couldn’t entirely behold?
I would rather keep all for myself, still I’m aware, that if I don’t find a way to convey and express even to myself the feeling that still overwhelms me through memories I will not be able to keep it within me and part of it will slowly fade away. Somehow I have to fix it in terms, even if this means giving it a far from real connotation!
As long as we, one and all pilgrims, were encouraged to bring back to our friends, relatives and people we’d meet the energies, feelings, stories, understandings and much more of the experience there is really nothing, absolutely not a word, an action, an image, a token… that can in its smallness, fully convey what a pilgrim absorbs, imbibes, breaths during those fleeting moments…. in which a soul “realizes” the greatness of the Revelation and Its Manifestation, converse with its Creator in intimate prayers, fix the gaze upon the same and yet different Sea and Sky… and is brought somewhere else… very far from this world.
One of my prayers at the Sacred Thresholds was that every single person I’ve met and known in my life could come to understand and experience, while still in this earthly life, this absolute immaculate happiness and its source.
True Religion is One, it comes from the same only God. Is an eternal, progressive Revelation and all mankind relates to it!
October 20, 2009
We Are All Baha’is
By Rabbi Mark S. Diamond

Are we our brother’s and sister’s keepers? Last week I joined a group of distinguished community leaders in a resounding affirmative response to this timeless question. We gathered together at the University of Southern California in “Belief Behind Bars: A Call for Human Rights and Religious Freedom in Iran,” co-sponsored by the USC Office of Religious Life, the Levan Institute for Humanities and Ethics, and the Los Angeles Baha’i Center. We were a large assemblage of faith leaders and celebrities, musicians and dancers, human rights activists and university officials, faculty and students.
Our honored guests in absentia were seven Baha’i leaders currently being held in a prison in Tehran, Iran. They are awaiting trial on trumped-up charges of “insulting religious sanctities,” “propaganda against the Islamic Republic,” “espionage for Israel” and “spreading corruption on earth.” In Iran, the last two charges are punishable by death.
The false imprisonment of these seven men and women is the latest and most egregious step in Iran’s sordid history of persecuting members of the Baha’i faith and seeking to destroy the Baha’i community. In the early years of the Islamic Revolution, some 200 Baha’is were murdered and more than 1,000 were thrown into prison because of their religious beliefs. It is ironic that Iran does not recognize the Baha’i faith as a minority religion, since Persia is the birthplace of this noble faith tradition. It is tragic that the 300,000 Iranian Baha’is suffer state-sanctioned discrimination and persecution. It is ominous that human rights observers have documented a dramatic increase in acts of persecution and hatred directed at Iran’s Baha’i community in recent years.
The program at USC featured an array of speeches, musical performances and video presentations highlighting the plight of the Baha’i community in Iran. Actor Rainn Wilson hosted the event and quickly moved beyond humor to set a serious tone for the evening. The cast of performers and presenters included jazz musicians Alfredo Rodriguez and Tierney Sutton, noted composers JB Eckl and K.C. Porter, “American Idol” star Kai Kalama and a video appearance by Oscar-nominee and Emmy-winning actress Shohreh Aghdashloo.
There were few dry eyes in Bovard Auditorium when seven talented young children dramatized the stories of the seven men and women in Tehran’s Evin prison. The prisoners include Jamaloddin Khanjani, 76, a factory owner who lost his business because of his religious beliefs; Behrouz Tavakkoli, 58, a psychologist and social worker who was jailed for four months without charge due to his faith; and Fariba Kamalabadi, 47, a developmental psychologist who has been arrested three times because of her volunteer work in the Baha’i community. They languish in jail cells in Tehran along with Afif Naemi, 48; Vahid Tizfahm, 36; Mahvash Sabet, 56; and Saeid Rezaie, 52. They are two women and five men — hard-working, highly educated Iranian citizens, loving husbands and wives, parents and grandparents, children and siblings — whose only “crime” is their steadfast devotion to the teachings and practices of the Baha’i faith.
Anyone who has studied the Baha’i religion understands its core teachings of world peace and perfect unity. Anyone who has met Baha’i followers appreciates their gentle demeanor and heartfelt commitment to harmony and reconciliation between individuals and nations. The Baha’i leaders I work with share my passion for interfaith discourse between people of diverse faiths and backgrounds. In a profound sense, we are all Baha’is.
When I took my turn at the podium, I expressed the Jewish community’s solidarity and support of the imprisoned Baha’i leaders. While we are here in Southern California, our hearts are 7,500 miles to the east in Tehran. Our words and actions strengthen and sustain these seven brave individuals during their lonely days and nights in prison.
As Jews, we bear witness to the tragic horrors of the Shoah and the vile anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial of Iran’s president. We of all peoples understand the grim implications of the Iranian government’s secret 1991 memorandum regarding “The Baha’i Question.” We recognize that an assault upon the Baha’i community is an assault upon all of us.
We are indeed our brother’s and sister’s keepers. When we light Shabbat and holiday candles, let’s remember the seven Baha’i leaders in our prayers. Let’s work together to bring these courageous freedom fighters from darkness to light.
Rabbi Mark S. Diamond is the executive vice president of The Board of Rabbis of Southern California.
For more information on the persecution of the Baha’i community in Iran, visit http://iran.bahai.us or www.iranpresswatch.org.
What if we had One Auxiliary World Language??
As one of its social principles, the Bahá’í faith teaches that an auxiliary world language should be selected by the representatives of all the world's nations.
“Language follows its own path. It can bridge gulfs of class and geography in
the most remarkable ways.”[1]
Would an auxiliary world language be the solution to many of the afflictions in which lays the society of today?
Could such an instrument enhance and implement the progress that a new civilization would bear once the lack of direct communication and the resulting misunderstanding would be leveled?
The answer to those questions is certainly “Yes!”
How many languages and dialect will be abandoned and die in this process we do not know. It can be argued that selecting an auxiliary world language above the others, could help preserve the traditional languages of each culture and sub-culture, provoking in a short period of time the whole world to shift from a monolingual education into a bilingual; as already prophesized by Graddol, but not yet widely realized.
If this could be prompted in the education system of every nation, in two or three generations we would see the effects. The possible scenario could be that of an environment where the study and use of the English Language, channelled into specific domains of the daily interaction, would run parallel to that of the mother language even to a regional dialect, maybe a city's slang too. The vernacular language of a region or country, the native dialect and the English Language would then coexist everywhere.
That an auxiliary world language should be selected by the representatives of all the world's nations is an undeniable resolution, which the governments have to take for the betterment of the conditions of the present world. English Language has demonstrated to be the auxiliary world language more than just in a mere potentiality. It is already used, though unconsciously by its speakers, in such a way. What will enhance its position and release its powers in the future could only be the possible recognition by a council in majority of governments to adopt it as official instrument to free the world; freeing it from the hindrance that keeps humanity aback from communicate effectively between peoples of different nations. It can be argued that this recognition would lack of impartiality; that choosing English over other system of communication requires defining a standard; that Chinese speakers are still superior in number to English speakers; that the language of the future could be invented today or tomorrow; and many numerous other objections of this kind. If just for one moment we could step out of the confusion and objectively consider that what humanity really need is not a refined perfect system to express them selves, because this role is already impeccably occupied by the infinite number of tongues; which have been developed so beautifully since the dawn in which the first speech has been uttered. Everyday this diversity permits to every speaker to express the endless range of thoughts that are generated by every single mind, it makes mankind the only creature in the condition to dominate the world of existence by claiming the ownership with a simple action: to name everything they discover; amplifying every kind of dominion that could possibly be considered in the abstract or concrete form. What the future civilization, the next offspring that will inherit this planet would need is an auxiliary language, that would cover the lack that the world’s variety has produced and be a bridge connector to develop new patterns towards the rise of further latent conquests. For such a role English Language is already giving its silent contribution. As history has taught, once it will be taken seriously in consideration it will start to change and mutate at a higher speed rate, according to the necessity of an even smaller world of that in which we live in today. Since the one emerging now it is not a new born idiom, but a foetus still developing its features and organs. Eventually it will be delivered widely through a more organized and structured education’s system, and then every new generation, from that turning point on, will add its own to the refinement of the English Auxiliary World Language.
[1] Robert McCrum, British novelist, editor, and critic, in McCrum et al. (1986) The Story of English
Fast - Day 4...
"O Son of Utterance!
Turn thy face unto Mine and renounce all save Me; for My sovereignty endureth and My dominion perisheth not. If thou seekest another than Me, yea, if thou searchest the universe forevermore, thy quest will be in vain." Baha'u'llah
The holy period of the Fast has started! As it was approaching my soul was sensing the infinite possibilities of bounties that derive from each hour of these 19 days in which my habits are changed and I find myself thrown off the ususal "balance" we all create in daily life. With new time on my palm and 100 things I wish to do, have to give a priority!Now that is here I realized I am still not living it a it fullest... I'm not following the list of bad habits to be replaced by good ones, I'm not yet studying the book chosen for this period! But the spiritual energy I usually feel coming from a higher source is already surrounding me. Therefore, today will be devoted to fill these gaps, with no excess, but moderation! It's never too late to start from where we've planned to!
This period is the best one for me in the whole year, litteraly new energies flow in me and I feel re-borning day by day!
The key virtue is DETACHMENT... "in whatsoever heart it doth shine it quencheth the fire of covetousness and self." to practice it is the challenge because all in me, my body, my thoughts demand in me different input...
When I'm in bed and the alarm clock rings at 5.30 (I want to do all things quietly, no rush for breakfast and starting prayers just as the sky becomes clearer) I have to pull myself out of bed. I miss doing the breakfast with my family in the happy chattering and try to fill the silence with some music or the news... but this silence actually gives me time to reflect on the day ahead! The struggle starts immediately after I've finished with prayers and meditation, because a part of me says "it's early.. go back to the warmth of the bed!!" especially when have no lesson, like yesterday and today! But here will come in my help the book and with some sun a walk to the park will be next! Apart from these practical motivations, these time recalls me to deeper meditation on the big and small questions of life....
And that's only the beginning of this period! Wish everyone a great Fasting!
Bahai Conference in London 3-4 January 2009
A wave of Love has been ripple out of the Center of the Covenant in the heart of the Middle East, the port city of Haifa, Israel. Summoning the believers from every corner of the globe, to meet in 41 Conferences that took place all around it, for the only purpose of celebrate the achievements the Baha'ì world community has produced in its services to humanity.
"At the top of Mount Carmel a little light goes on when 9 souls meet and then wonders happen...." -That's how my sister on the telephone tried to convey to me her feelings, while serving in the Most Holy Place on earth for the Baha'is of all the World. I thought of her and all the marvelous youth I know, which are serving there and have the bounty to see, meet and talk to these 9 souls, who dedicate their lives to the Administration of His Cause.
The 3 days I've spent with my brother Badi, and the 2friends who were hosting us, Nushin & Reema, were absolutely celestial. While going each morning to the conference, held at the Business Centre in Inslington, London, we witnessed the participation of 3100 people from the British Isles, Ireland, Island, Greenland, Sweden, Norway, Finland gathering from every side of the city. Childre,Youth, Adults and Old. A colorful garden, an impressive river when in the morning, at lunch break and evening, people would ripple in and out of the venue.
There is more I'd like to convey... but emotions are too many.
I just wish you all to be reached one day by these waves of Love!
For more info click on this: 41 CONFERENCES
take a look at the mirror...
"The sun is in the utmost effulgence but the surface turned toward it must be a mirror; the clearer and purer it is, the more light shall be reflected therein.” - Abdu'l-Baha
- Have you ever felt while dreaming like you were actually aware of and just experiencing a reality of yourself, what was that?
- Have you ever thought: "there must be more than what I see and touch in this world that I can really understand"?
- Have you ever told yourself: "I'm more than flesh and bones, though, what am I"?
- Have you ever asked: "why I'm alive, and why I'm me and not someonelse?"